Good when organizing... Bad when categorizing or judging! My favorite store is Staples and I love to get containers and typically have my house organized with labels for everything. So don't get me wrong, I believe labeling is an essential part of life. What I do not agree with orlike is when we label people. I have been reading a book written by Lysa Terkeurst titled Unglued . I have not yet finished the book but two things stand out in my mind She speaks of changing our thought patterns and how brain research shows how our conscious thoughts are recorded in our internal hard drive (our brain). When we experience a thought over and over again the thought, and reaction, is deepened in our brain which is why we often react the same way to certain situations. And with each repetition the trace gets deeper. Becoming aware of our responses to emotion can help us to change the reaction. As Lysa shares in her book “we won’t develop new responses until we develop new thoughts”. A ...
Whether we place the expectation on ourselves or if it was expected of us, perfection is a goal we will never achieve. Because of my addiction I was able to finally recognize that what matters most in life is not achieving perfection or worrying about what others' think. What is most important is to be able to look in the mirror and know you are doing everything you can to be true to yourself which then allows you to