Good when organizing... Bad when categorizing or judging! My favorite store is Staples and I love to get containers and typically have my house organized with labels for everything. So don't get me wrong, I believe labeling is an essential part of life. What I do not agree with orlike is when we label people. I have been reading a book written by Lysa Terkeurst titled Unglued . I have not yet finished the book but two things stand out in my mind She speaks of changing our thought patterns and how brain research shows how our conscious thoughts are recorded in our internal hard drive (our brain). When we experience a thought over and over again the thought, and reaction, is deepened in our brain which is why we often react the same way to certain situations. And with each repetition the trace gets deeper. Becoming aware of our responses to emotion can help us to change the reaction. As Lysa shares in her book “we won’t develop new responses until we develop new thoughts”. A ...
This is a repost from my original blog from years ago. As I publish this particular blog know I will be celebrating two years clean on November 39th. Crystal Meth that is. Hell there is enough on the Internet about real crystal. As I begin this blog I want to start out that this is only based on experience and shows how powerful the drug can be and I am definitely advising against ever trying this or any drug if you have not done so. But hopefully it gives you a better understanding of those that are addicted to drugs. I have been reflecting on my life and there was a time seven years ago when this reflect9ion hit home. I had recently celebrated my 40th birthday and there were over 100 people celebrating with me at my house to being so alone that i had to walk three miles in the rain because I could not think of one person I could call for help because I decided to go to a party at a house. I did decide to leave unexpectedly just before I drank my drink which was drugged and ...